St Luke's Day 2022

We celebrated the festival of our patron St Luke on 16th October. The Bishop of Croydon, Rt Rev Dr Rosemarie Mallett preached, and Rev Edward Doyle travelled up with a parishioner from our sister church in Rogate. It was a great celebration, with plenty of delicious food in the hall afterwards! You can listen to the sermon below.

Some of the St Luke’s Day congregation, with Rev Sandra Schloss, Rt Rev Dr Rosemarie Mallett and Rev Edward Doyle

Sunday Service

Our Zoom service to celebrate Candlemas - a day of purification, renewal, and hope. We remember Jesus’ presentation at the temple and Simeon’s words as he holds the baby in his arms, saying that Jesus will be a light for the Gentiles (Luke 2:22-32). We’re following the Church of England’s advice to close the church for Sunday services.