Sermon by Revd Sandra - 15th Sunday after Trinity

On the 20th September 2020, the 15th Sunday after Trinity, Revd Sandra reflects on God’s generosity being for all during her homily. She refers to the story of Jonah, Paul’s letter to the Philippians in chapter 1 from verses 21-30 & the story of the landowner in chapter 20 of St. Matthews Gospel. You can listen to the full sermon below:

Image sourced from Moody Publishers /

Back in the Church Building

We’re very pleased to have been able to return to the building for our usual Sunday services from 5th July 2020. There are still be many precautions in place, and you’re asked to please try and wear a face mask (unless you have special difficulty with this), as we have vulnerable and older members who would also like to be able to attend safely. Household groups can sit together, but will need to keep a physical distance from other groups or individuals. We’ve been advised not to have any singing, unfortunately.

Whilst Zoom has been a Godsend, allowing us to continue to worship together each week, it’s been far from ideal and nothing can replace the feeling of community we have in our regular meetings together.

Childrens’ Church is now continuing in the Church Hall (not the small meeting room, for safety), so do encourage your children to attend as before.

If you can’t make it to church due to the pandemic, please do still get involved - you can participate in the services below being screened on Youtube each week by our Diocese of Southwark. You can also watch past services from the Diocese or our lockdown Zoom recordings below.