Fourth Sunday of Advent - Carol Service
Our main Sunday service: a sung Eucharist which will also be our carol service!
Please join for favourite readings and carols as we continue our preparations for Christmas.
Our main Sunday service: a sung Eucharist which will also be our carol service!
Please join for favourite readings and carols as we continue our preparations for Christmas.
Our main Sunday service: a sung Eucharist.
Please join us as we continue our Advent journey, preparing for Christmas.
Our main Sunday service: a sung Eucharist.
Please join us as we continue our Advent journey, preparing for Christmas.
Our main Sunday service: an all-age sung Eucharist.
This Advent Sunday we will be holding our Christingle service, with a collection in aid of the Children’s Society.
Our main Sunday service: an all-age sung Eucharist.
This Sunday we will celebrating the festival of Christ the King - the last Sunday beofre Advent.
Photo by Carlos N. Cuatzo Meza on Unsplash
Our main Sunday service: an all-age sung Eucharist.
This Sunday we will be marking Safeguarding Sunday, remembering and celebrating the work of keeping everyone safe in our church.
Our main Sunday service: sung Eucharist, with groups for children and young people.
This Sunday we will be marking Remembrance Sunday, remembering all who have died in war.
Photo by Chris Sansbury on Unsplash.
Our main Sunday service: sung Eucharist, with groups for children and young people.
This Sunday we will be celebrating All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Day, and the anniversary of our Mothers’ Union branch. Join us for a bumper celebration!
Our main Sunday service: sung Eucharist, with groups for children and young people.
Special St Luke’s Day Thanksgiving service in celebration of 70 years in the present church building. The preacher will be Rev Les Isaacs of Street Pastors fame. You can find more resources to learn about Les’s history and that of the Street Pastors here.
Our main Sunday service: a sung Eucharist, with groups for children and young people.
An all-age eucharist to celebrate Harvest Festival.
We will be collecting non-perishable food and other items for the Manna Centre. You can find a list of their most needed items here.
Our main Sunday service, with Children’s Church.
This week we will welcome a new member into God’s family through baptism.
Our main Sunday service, with groups for children and young people.
This week we will be celebrating the work of our Men’s Forum.
Our main Sunday service, with groups for children and young people.
This week we will be finishing our series on Tarry Awhile: Wisdom from Black Spirituality for People of Faith by Selina Stone. Click here for a preview!
A trip to the seaside to celebrate our 70th anniversary. Please contact us if you would like to come along!
This week we will be starting our series on Tarry Awhile: Wisdom from Black Spirituality for People of Faith by Selina Stone. Click here for a preview!
We celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Also on Zoom - please contact us for the link.
We celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Also on Zoom - please contact us for the link.
Our guest preacher will be Jason O’Shea from the Forgiveness Project. Operation forgiveness is an early intervention knife-crime initiative, delivered by local churches to local schools. It equips young people with the power of forgiveness.
We celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Also on Zoom - please contact us for the link.
We celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Also on Zoom - please contact us for the link.
Textile repair day with the Camberwell Repair Cafe. Bring along your broken items and exciting ideas. Join us to learn and share the skill of repair!
Soul Food
Cakes and treats
Gospel singers
Art & craft workshop
Music & dancing
Spoken word performance
Nails & face painting
Hair braiding
Bouncy castle
Lots of family fun!
We celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Also on Zoom - please contact us for the link.
This Sunday we will be finishing our Jesus Shaped People adventure. Intrigued? Come along to find out more!
We celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Also on Zoom - please contact us for the link.
Join us for our Sunday service this Fathers’ Day!
We celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Also on Zoom - please contact us for the link.
We celebrate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Also on Zoom - please contact us for the link.
We commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, and upon the whole church. Also on Zoom - please contact us for the link.
Come and celebrate the risen Christ! Also on Zoom - please contact us for the link.