Leaders of Tomorrow
God’s Masterpieces
God’s Youngerz is a youth church for young people in Year 7 and above. We usually meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, normally from 10am in St Luke’s church hall. We take a break in August.
Youth church is a place of fun and friendship to talk about faith and issues that are important to young people. We study the bible to discover God's perspective and plans for us. We pray together to get help from God and support each other.
God’s Youngerz is led by Rev Jo. We aim to develop young people with a strong faith and relationship with God that will take them beyond their teenage years and equip them for life.
What some of our young people say about God's Youngerz:
“Youth church is a better way for us kids to connect with God. We work better with people we can relate with. We learn more, learn to change and learn to strengthen faith.”
“For starters it’s a great way to talk to people you don’t talk to as much in church. I like how at the end we can reflect on what we did and relate it to the word of God.”
“Reasons why you should join a youth group:
1. In any friendship, we make mistakes. Being part of a Christian group means we believe in forgiveness.
2. The negativity of others can bring us down. Being part of a Christian group means that we are created in God’s image.
3. In a Christian group, we are called to work together to make this a better world to live in. Being in a Christian group can give us direction and help us to choose what is right and provides friends who will support us.
4. By ourselves, we don’t always feel close to God. Jesus promised that where two or three gather in his name, he is always with them.
Lastly, being part of a youth group means, if you are worrying about anything, you are more than welcome to share your story about it to the group.