Weekly Newsletter 11
Greetings to everyone, I pray you are well. The past few days has been very distressing, several people are angry as a result of the death of George Floyd who was killed by a policeman in Minnesota, USA. I do hope the protests and actions that have taken place will encourage people to reflect on their thoughts about racism. Racism is something we do not want to see in our communities and definitely not in our Churches. Some of you will have seen Bishop Christopher alongside the leaders of the Area MEACCs(Minority Ethnic Anglican Committee), holding up a sign stating Our buildings are closed, our hearts are open, the image is below with a link to the article in the local paper.
It is hoped that we will be able to return to our Church Buildings in the next few weeks, possibly early July. So we are looking at ways in which this will be possible. Please see the link to the church of England site regarding the Coronavirus updates: Coronavirus updates - C of E
Our PCC will be meeting this week to discuss how this will be possible for St Luke’s whilst maintaining the required Social Distancing
Faith at Home is a national campaign that builds on the work of Growing Faith and Everyday Faith to support the faith development and pastoral care of children and young people. It can be found at:www.churchofengland.org/faith-action/faith-home
There is also a range of materials on our Diocesan website at: https://southwark.anglican.org/cypmm/
Thank you to everyone who joined us on Sunday 24th May at 10am during our service of Holy Communion which was conducted online via Zoom. It went well, although for some reason we had several hitches this week, but that’s what happens sometimes. This week we have our Pentecost Sunday Service, so please wear red and join us. For the link please contact Revd Sandra on sandra.stlukespeckham@gmail.com
If you would like to see the service for 31st May 2020-(Pentecost Sunday) it is on our Facebook page @stlukespeckham and YouTube Channels: : https://youtu.be/GgVpj7zI4RY
Sunday 7th June - Trinity Sunday https://youtu.be/lXfvVdumBjo
We are thankful to all of you who donate to St Luke’s regularly, however, at this time it is just as important to continue your regular giving even if you cannot attend the Church building for worship. I would encourage those of you who normally donate via the collection plate or envelope to consider setting up a Standing Order, so that even when you are unable to attend you will still be contributing financially to the church, so we can continue the work in the community to build God’s kingdom. If you do wish to consider this form of donating the account details are:
ST LUKE’S PCC ACCT:32196202. SORT:60-16-16
Thank you for enabling the work of St Luke’s in the Parish to continue.
The St Luke’s website is live, please do have a look and give us feedback on positives or more important, areas we could do better
Please find at this link a very useful resource for prayers at this time, produced by the Church of England, which is free to download and share. I have found it helpful and I hope you do too. Digital (double page)
St Luke’s has a WhatsApp group for those of you who would like daily contact and to be uplifted with messages of support, please do get in touch if you would like to be invited to join the group do let me know.
Ayo has prepared a video for the children’s church for Trinity Sunday, do have a look on the Church website for this or the link https://www.stlukespeckham.co.uk/childrens-church
St Luke’s Youth Church are meeting fortnightly via Zoom to allow the young people to come together to share ideas and to talk to one another, the sessions are lead by Fola, Maria, Abu, and Iain and include various activities including bible study, prayer, and exercise!! If there are any young people who would like to join do obtain parental consent and get in touch and I will arrange to send the link.
The next Youth Church catch up is on Saturday 4th July at 2pm, parents/carers if your child would like to join us please give them permission and I will send the Zoom link. Please contact me on sandra.stlukespeckham@gmail.com
Email from Keli Bolton dated 3rd June 2020
Weekly update - we're moving!
Good evening everyone,
Some important information to share with you, so stay with me!
Aike is back!
We are moving to Mailchimp to continue our weekly updates. Ordinarily we would ask you to opt in to a mailing list in line with GDPR, but the information we send will continue to be the same as these emails, just using a different medium and in a different format (which we have decided will become fortnightly for now). It offers the opportunity to jump to things that are particularly useful for you rather than having to read everything. If you have any concerns, please contact me. You can also unsubscribe from there anytime.
Racism and violence are at the forefront of what is happening in our world right now. If you’re looking for resources, check out Ben Lindsay’s book called ‘We need to talk about race’. He is the creator of Power the Fight who are running training on Youth Groups and Youth Violence with Craig Pinkney On Tues 9th June at 6:30pm. Here’s some other resources and Pinterest
Resources have been added to the ‘Young People’ and ‘Ministry Leaders’ sections on our website.
Supporting the vulnerable in your community? The Coordinated Community Support programme – based at The Children’s Society - are gathering information and evidence from Church and Community services involved in providing emergency financial and other support to capture issues arising from the Covid-19 crisis. Click here to fill out a short form and share the issues affecting you, and those you are working with For more information, contact: sam.royston@childrenssociety.org.uk
Some Toddler Group stats came out last week, though the information is pertinent more generally, even if you don’t have a toddler group. Here are the headlines from Rachel Jordan-Wolf: https://vimeo.com/423510339
Kind regards,
Keli Bolton
Children & Youth with Mission Action Planning
Diocese of Southwark
020 7939 9479
Have you signed up to our mailing list to keep in touch with all the latest news in CYP, mission and fresh expressions? In line with GDPR, even if you receive mailings, please confirm your subscription choices using the link below – it takes 2 minutes! Thank you!
Rooted in a church
The following link provides ‘Advice from Young People for young people’ provided by the Children’s Society, especially in relation to Mental Health and Well-being. here Age range from 0-5, 6-12, 13-17 & 18-25.
LET US PRAY…. A prayer for all those affected by coronavirus
Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy. Sustain and support the anxious, be with those who care for the sick, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may find comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.
PRAYER FOR Trinity Sunday
Almighty and everlasting God,
you have given us your servants grace,
by the confession of a true faith,
to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity
and in the power of the divine majesty to worship the Unity:
keep us steadfast in this faith,
that we may evermore be defended from all adversities;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
All Amen.
Have a blessed week
Revd Sandra. 10 June 2020